Dear Life,
Gratitude is my prayer, so thank you, Life, for all you offer.
Thank you for grace
Thank you for truth
Thank you for God's abiding love
Thank you for the alchemy of turning sorrow into celebration
Thank you for change, for growth, for resistance, for acceptance
Thank you for the constancy of light that diminishes the dark
Thank you for infinite possibility
Thank you for teachers who humbly show the way
Thank you for joy that is deep, true, and eternal
Thank you for peace that passes all human understanding
Thank you for opportunity to get it right, to do it better, for second chances
Thank you for an open heart, a willing heart, and a whole-hearted being that is our true nature
Thank you for creativity
Thank you for expression
Thank you for the appreciation of the expression of creativity
Thank you for healing
Thank you for transformation
Thank you for Winter and for Spring
Thank you for surrender, and the love, light and breathtaking beauty it offers.
Thank you for a Savior to show the way to be
Thank you for being the gift that you are. You are a gift we hold in our hands and are given choice to open our hands and let go of you, too hard to hold amidst the lessons you bring or, choice to hold you with tender hands, to bring you close to our heart, accepting all parts of who and what you are, and what you bring to each of us.
Thank you, Life, for being fragile, for being vulnerable, for being wise, for being strong, for knowing, for unfolding just as He designed you to.
Tenderly, lovingly, gratefully I bring you, life, into my heart and I celebrate you.
au revoir 2013
merci beaucoup mon ami