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June 01, 2009


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Karina Peatey

Hi there, your designs are simply amazing! I've never seen better for paper designs! Please visit: http://oslowriterscorner.blogspot.com/


I totally love it :D


Wow, beautiful blog! I am so glad I found you through Amreta. Thanks for offering this. If you get a chance visit my blog at



ow, serendipity! I was just admiring one particular scrapbook paper I purchased in a little scrapbooking shop in a newly opened shopping mal in Jakarta, I looked for the info and I saw at the bottom the title Sweet Charity Collections 'serendipity' - Terri Conrad Designs. I was going to google your name when I stumbled upon Decorology and read about your giveaway! I'm double happy! First, I found a link to your gorgeous shop and blog, and second, there's still time to participate in your 'enter, play and hopefully win' :-) I really love all your creations, and thanks :-))))



Wow! All your products are gorgeous, I love every single one of them =]
kmg1128 @live.com sorry I don't have a blog, thanks =]

Elizabeth KS

soooo lovely!! i'm a newlywed and can already imagine a wedding pic or two surrounded by your gorgeous patterns hanging right above the fire place! please count me in, fingers crossed! i don't have a blog but email is bkimmell at gmail dot com. thank you!


Lovely idea! ;-)

Rachel Nolt

How fun! Love it!


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